International Squash Event, September 2002

Countries represented: Spain, Japan, U. K., France and India

Participants: Marimuthu Murugananth (India), Vicky Yardley (UK), Carlos Mateo (Spain), Yokota Tomuyuki (Japan), Thomas Sourmail (France), Harry Bhadeshia (UK).

The champions Spain were, for the first time in the history of the games, held to a 3-3 draw by the U.K.

When asked to comment, Dikie Davis of the IITV said: "Of course, new technology had been introduced into the game, with both sides using titanium/carbon-fibre rackets, and this may have influenced the game."

However, the BBBC interviewed potential-Dr Marimuthu Murugananth of Cambridge University: "Well, our experiments are not conclusive, but the rackets were weighed prior to the game, and found to be of the same mass as standard, cheap, aluminium rackets, i.e. about 180 g. It could be that the new rackets are simply fashion accessories." He added, "The whole thing could simply be a racket to sell expensive implements to gullible sports-people".

A Downing Street spokesman had no substantive comments to make, other than expressing a fondness for Spanish weather.

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Squash Squash Squash
Squash Squash Squash
Squash Squash Squash
Squash Squash Squash
Squash Squash Squash
Squash Squash Squash
Squash Squash Squash
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