Dr Franck's leaving party, 12 august 2000

Photographs courtesy of Mika Matsuda, Thomas Sourmail. Larger images can be seen by clicking on the pictures.

From left, Franck, Vicky, Ariane, Thomas and Hiroshi.. say hello to the camera.. Ariane, Estelle, Daniel et la pendule qui nous attend..
Philippe, Ariane, Estelle and Hiroshi. Vicky, Hiroshi, Thomas and a bit of Francisca.
Huh ? Daniel, close-up..
Philippe and Ariane resting. Thomas, trying to keep balance ?
Vicky, Thomas and Francisca. The queen of the evening, Mrs Franck Tancret, i.e.Estelle.
All photographs very kindly taken by Mika Matsuda.
Vicky, Thomas.


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