University of Cambridge

Pachacamac near Lima, Peru

The fourth ICONWELD 2018 conference was held at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), which was founded in 1917.

Following the conference, participants were treated to a visit near Lima, where a civilisation existed some 1800 years ago, pre-dating the Inca. These people worshiped Pacha Kamaq who was considered the creator. Many of the ruins in the photographs below were from this period. However, the Inca conquered these people around 1470, but assimilated their religion while acknowledging the superiority of their own Sun God. The Inca built enormous pyramids to worship the Sun God, and the major structures visible are these constructions. The Spanish, when they conquered, pulled down the walls of the Sun Temples, using the stones to build their own structures.

Some photographs courtesy of Alberto Bejarano.

Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
At the Pachacamac archaeological site, some 30 km from central Lima.
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
At the Pachacamac archaeological site. The Pacific Ocean is just a few hundred yards away.
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
A part of the site was dedicated to burials. Human bones are visible on the surface of robbed tombs.
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
This pyramid was a much later Inca construction to facilitate worship of the Sun God.
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Some of the original red paint survives.
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pacific Ocean
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
A particularly cruel inheritance from Spain. This is a bull fighting ring where helpless animals are tortured to death whilst the audience applauds.
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
The Inca allocated some young women to make textiles for priests, and brewed corn beer which was used in Inca festivals. These women were confined to this Mamacona building, and some were sacrificed in a ritual that was supposed to be a great honour.
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
A papaya tree.
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
There is a museum in the vicinity, containing some exciting discoveries made on site.
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
This pole is really old, depicting the Pachacamac god.
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
The pole was found behing this door.
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Mummies discovered on site.
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
This is an Inca record-keeping device, information dependent on the number of beads.
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance

Visit to a nearby Hacienda

The main business at this Hacienda is the breeding of Peruvian horses. These horses are adapted uniquely because they have for generations moved on sandy soil. They move by lifting one foot at a time, which leads to smooth motion rather than the bumpy rides of conventional horse movement. Peruvian horses are also physically smaller than is usual.

We were treated to impressive equine performances, including one by a month old foal.

In addition, there were several performances of classical dance.

Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance

Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
Pachacamac, Inca, Harry Bhadeshia, Lima, Peru, horses, dance
4th edition
4th edition, 2017
3rd edition
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1st edition
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