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Subroutine MAP_STEEL_ATM

  1. Provenance of code.
  2. Purpose of code.
  3. Specification.
  4. Description of subroutine's operation.
  5. References.
  6. Parameter descriptions.
  7. Error indicators.
  8. Accuracy estimate.
  9. Any additional information.
  10. Example of code
  11. Auxiliary subroutines required.
  12. Keywords.
  13. Download source code.
  14. Links.

Provenance of Source Code

H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia,
Phase Transformations Group,
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy,
University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, U.K.

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To calculate the mole fraction of carbon in enriched austenite.

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Product form:Source code



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MAP_STEEL_ATM calculates the mole fraction of carbon in enriched austenite, given the alloy composition prior to enrichment and the weight percent of carbon following enrichment.

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  1. H.K.D.H Bhadeshia, S.A. David, J.M. Vitek, and R.W. Reed, Materials Science and Technology, 7, (1991), 686-698.
  2. F. Wever, Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, 20, (1928), 363-370.
  3. Hume-Rothery and Sutton, Structure of Iron and Alloys.
  4. National Bureau of Standards (USA), Circ. 539, 43, (1955).
  5. C.S. Roberts, Trans. AIME, 197, (1953), 203.

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Input parameters

XG - real
XG is the concentration of carbon in enriched austenite (in weight percent).

C - real
C is the initial concentration of carbon (in weight percent).

SI - real
SI is the concentration of silicon (in weight percent).

MN - real
MN is the concentration of manganese (in weight percent).

NI - real
NI is the concentration of nickel (in weight percent).

MO - real
MO is the concentration of molybdenum (in weight percent).

CR - real
CR is the concentration of chromium (in weight percent).

V - real
V is the concentration of vanadium (in weight percent).

Output parameters

XGM - real
XGM is the mole fraction of carbon in enriched austenite.

MSI - real
MSI is the mole fraction of silicon in enriched austenite.

MMN - real
MMN is the mole fraction of manganese in enriched austenite.

MNI - real
MNI is the mole fraction of nickel in enriched austenite.

MMO - real
MMO is the mole fraction of molybdenum in enriched austenite.

MCR - real
MCR is the mole fraction of chromium in enriched austenite.

MVAN - real
MVAN is the mole fraction of vanadium in enriched austenite.

MFE - real
MFE is the mole fraction of iron in enriched austenite.

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Error Indicators


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The values for the atomic weights used in MAP_STEEL_ATM are :-

    silicon    - 28.0855
    manganese  - 54.938
    nickel     - 58.71
    chromium   - 51.998
    molybdenum - 95.94
    vanadium   - 50.94
    iron       - 55.847
    carbon     - 12.011

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Further Comments

MAP_STEEL_ATM is used in the program MAP_STEEL_DILAT.

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1. Program text

&                       MSI,MMN,MNI,MMO,MCR,MVAN,MFE
       READ (5,*) XG,C,SI,MN
       READ (5,*) NI,MO,CR,VAN
&                         V,MSI,MMN,MNI,MMO,MCR,MVAN,MFE)
       WRITE (6,10)
10     FORMAT ('Concentrations in enriched austenite [mole fraction]')
       WRITE (6,20) XGM,MSI,MMN
20     FORMAT ('C = ',D13.5,', Si = ',D13.5,', Mn = ',D13.5)
       WRITE (6,30) MNI,MMO,MCR
30     FORMAT (//'Ni = ',D13.5,', Mo = ',D13.5,', Cr = ',D13.5)
       WRITE (6,40) MVAN,MFE
40     FORMAT (//'V = ',D13.5,', Fe = ',D13.5)

2. Program data

0.2   0.1   0.1   0.1
0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

3. Program results

C = 0.92319D-02, Si = 0.65561D+00, Mn = 0.33516D+00
Ni = 0.00D+00, Mo = 0.00D+00, Cr = 0.00D+00
V = 0.00D+00, Fe =

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Auxiliary Routines


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enriched austenite, carbon

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