Web Server Statistics for Map Project, University of Cambridge

Program started at Tue-26-Jan-1999 20:37 local time.
Analysed requests from Fri-01-Jan-1999 00:07 to Tue-26-Jan-1999 20:37 (25.9 days).

Total successful requests: 7 805 (2 492)
Average successful requests per day: 302 (356)
Total successful requests for pages: 3 909 (1 220)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 151 (174)
Total failed requests: 1 032 (419)
Total redirected requests: 24 (2)
Number of distinct files requested: 526 (327)
Number of distinct hosts served: 975 (443)
Number of new hosts served in last 7 days: 372
Corrupt logfile lines: 59
Unwanted logfile entries: 101 182
Total data transferred: 90 286 kbytes (21 335 kbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 3 492 kbytes (3 048 kbytes)
(Figures in parentheses refer to the last 7 days).

(Go To: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

Weekly Report

(Go To: Top: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 30 requests for pages, or part thereof.

week beg.: pages: 
---------  -----  
27/Dec/98:   168: ++++++
 3/Jan/99:   869: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10/Jan/99:   991: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17/Jan/99:  1400: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
24/Jan/99:   481: +++++++++++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: Weekly Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

Printing all domains, sorted by amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: domain
-----  ------  ------
 1740: 44.25%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
 1543: 15.65%: .com (Commercial, mainly USA)
 1798:  9.01%: .uk (United Kingdom)
   46:  6.15%: .br (Brazil)
  360:  4.26%: .net (Network)
  397:  2.94%: .jp (Japan)
  132:  2.44%: .de (Germany)
  121:  1.60%: .fr (France)
  266:  1.46%: .edu (USA Educational)
   15:  1.14%: .tr (Turkey)
   46:  1.13%: .ru (Russian Federation)
  117:  1.13%: .gov (USA Government)
   13:  1.01%: .ph (Philippines)
  189:  0.68%: .at (Austria)
   60:  0.62%: .pl (Poland)
   40:  0.58%: .ro (Romania)
   41:  0.54%: .es (Spain)
   86:  0.49%: .se (Sweden)
   68:  0.46%: .fi (Finland)
   44:  0.44%: .nl (Netherlands)
   23:  0.41%: .si (Slovenia)
   82:  0.41%: .be (Belgium)
   86:  0.35%: .ca (Canada)
   42:  0.34%: .in (India)
   57:  0.31%: .au (Australia)
   36:  0.25%: .dk (Denmark)
   40:  0.23%: .cl (Chile)
   12:  0.16%: .arpa (Old style Arpanet)
    4:  0.16%: .py (Paraguay)
   28:  0.15%: .it (Italy)
   37:  0.15%: .sg (Singapore)
   30:  0.13%: .ch (Switzerland)
   22:  0.13%: .sk (Slovak Republic)
   18:  0.11%: .tw (Taiwan)
   19:  0.10%: .us (United States)
   18:  0.09%: .hk (Hong Kong)
   17:  0.08%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations)
   13:  0.05%: .kr (South Korea)
   13:  0.05%: .pt (Portugal)
   11:  0.05%: .mx (Mexico)
    8:  0.05%: .ve (Venezuela)
    8:  0.04%: .ie (Ireland)
    4:  0.04%: .cz (Czech Republic)
    8:  0.03%: .id (Indonesia)
    9:  0.03%: .zw (Zimbabwe)
    7:  0.03%: .il (Israel)
    7:  0.03%: .my (Malaysia)
    4:  0.02%: .gr (Greece)
    4:  0.01%: .za (South Africa)
    4:  0.01%: .no (Norway)
    3:  0.01%: .ae (United Arab Emirates)
    3:  0.01%: .lv (Latvia)
    3:  0.01%: .th (Thailand)
    2:       : .tt (Trinidad and Tobago)
    1:       : .co (Colombia)

Host Report

(Go To: Top: Weekly Report: Domain Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

Printing the first 100 hosts, sorted by number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes: host
-----  ------  ----
  551: 20.54%:
  280:  0.02%: web-search.cam.ac.uk
  264:  2.34%: crawl4.atext.com
  262:  2.28%: robot5.cab.infoweb.ne.jp
  185:  0.66%: axion.voest.co.at
  135:  3.05%: firewall.cegelecproj.co.uk
  127:  1.13%: j4017.inktomisearch.com
  121:  2.40%:
  120:  0.58%: pt17.msm.cam.ac.uk
  101:  0.95%: cca2607c.infoseek.com
   98:  0.60%: pt16.msm.cam.ac.uk
   96:  0.19%: pt12.msm.cam.ac.uk
   91:  0.34%: pt-quixote.msm.cam.ac.uk
   84: 11.93%:
   75:  0.29%: pt8.msm.cam.ac.uk
   68:  0.47%: vscooter.av.pa-x.dec.com
   67:  0.60%: scooter.pa-x.dec.com
   65:  1.57%: gateway.timken.com
   64:  0.29%: pt10.msm.cam.ac.uk
   63:  0.45%: sahp949.sandia.gov
   60:  0.24%: pt-delboy.msm.cam.ac.uk
   60:  0.46%: lycosidae.lycos.com
   53:  0.26%: metal09.rug.ac.be
   53:  1.70%:
   48:  0.30%: firewall-swip.esab.se
   47:  0.66%: j2010.inktomi.com
   41:  0.31%: host5.pune.tcs.co.in
   39:  0.38%: grommit.muscat.com
   34:  0.20%: lambda.cmat.utfsm.cl
   33:  1.84%: ws-koe1.win-ip.dfn.de
   31:  0.55%: vega.uaic.ro
   31:  0.28%:
   29:  0.09%: pt18.msm.cam.ac.uk
   27:  0.12%: met97.bham.ac.uk
   26:  2.81%:
   25:  0.17%: mrcemis.ms.nwu.edu
   25:  0.03%: pt2.msm.cam.ac.uk
   24:  0.09%:
   23:  0.41%: baszta.mn.agh.edu.pl
   23:  0.08%: pc26.crct.polymtl.ca
   23:  0.18%:
   22:  2.68%: ah98-23.arnhem.nl.net
   22:  0.16%: sun2ll.engin.umich.edu
   22:  0.14%: pc95-mpjsj.lut.ac.uk
   21:  0.19%: lush.icbl.hw.ac.uk
   21:  0.96%: phmet4.stu.neva.ru
   20:  1.10%: ca-sqy1-98.abo.wanadoo.fr
   20:  0.12%: ws-ham1.win-ip.dfn.de
   20:  0.14%: ride.excite.com
   20:       : pt-bainite.msm.cam.ac.uk
   20:  0.15%: green.alexa.com
   18:  0.39%:
   18:  0.12%: duplex.hut.fi
   17:  0.14%:
   17:  0.44%: izm-a5-06-asy04.izm-ro-02.superonline.com
   17:  0.12%:
   16:  0.13%:
   16:  0.11%:
   16:  0.06%:
   16:  0.12%: piano.excite.com
   16:  0.09%: wittig.ecs.soton.ac.uk
   16:  1.62%: foxboro-bh.foxboro.com
   16:  0.12%: dhcp51.mim.pcz.czest.pl
   15:  0.03%:
   15:  0.09%: wao-dmz-1.alcoa.com.au
   15:  0.12%: mhiguardian.mhi.co.jp
   14:  0.40%: mat.materials.upm.es
   14:  0.12%: msn.ipt.dtu.dk
   14:  0.10%: sax.excite.com
   14:  0.15%: eec6.pa-x.dec.com
   14:  0.08%:
   14:  0.15%: proxy.angers.ensam.fr
   14:  0.04%: ip220.ottawa2.dialup.canada.psi.net
   14:  0.09%: 197.los-angeles-01-02rs.ca.dial-access.att.net
   14:  0.11%: g23-11.mech.uwa.edu.au
   14:  0.05%: pt1.msm.cam.ac.uk
   13:  0.14%: wwwcache1.uts.ohio-state.edu
   13:  0.08%:
   13:  0.07%: iris3.llnl.gov
   13:  0.07%:
   13:  0.15%: wwwcache2.uts.ohio-state.edu
   13:  1.01%: ip73.the.net.ph
   13:  0.06%: webcache.ucs.ualberta.ca
   13:  0.07%: webcache21a.cache.pol.co.uk
   13:  0.09%: magnetics6.ameslab.gov
   13:  1.13%: proxy.aidata.net.tr
   13:  0.10%: ts30-14.homenet.ohio-state.edu
   13:  0.18%:
   13:  0.15%: dutw46.wbmt.tudelft.nl
   12:  0.21%: tt38.ntfmim.uni-lj.si
   12:  0.08%: alaris1.alarismed.com
   12:  0.06%: pm1-06.london.webgate.net
   12:  0.05%:
   12:  0.09%: snare.excite.com
   12:  0.05%: 43.cambridge-01-02rs.ma.dial-access.att.net
   12:  0.01%:
   12:  0.09%:
   11:  0.07%: ns.rainside.sk
   11:  0.06%:
   11:  0.02%: pt15.msm.cam.ac.uk

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: Request Report)

Printing all extensions, sorted by amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: extension
-----  ------  ---------
  369: 31.62%: .tar
 3669: 30.50%: .html
   72: 28.98%: .gz
 3391:  7.48%: .gif
  240:  0.70%: (directories)
   41:  0.65%: .txt
   14:  0.05%: .jpg
    5:  0.01%: .ps
    3:  0.01%: .tex
    1:       : (no extension)

Request Report

(Go To: Top: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report)

Printing all requested files with at least 20 requests, sorted by number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes: file
-----  ------  ----
 1476:  1.94%: /map/maplogo1.gif
  837:  0.18%: /map/pubs./valid_html3.2.gif
  414:  3.24%: /map/npllogo.gif
  379:  1.75%: /map/mapmain.html
  296:  1.39%: /map/pubs./skey.gif
  188:  1.13%: /map/map.html
  187:  3.08%: /map/backg.html
  164:  0.58%: /map/entry.html
  114:  0.44%: /map/new.html
   95:  0.46%: /map/
   86:  0.72%: /map/steel/steelprog.html
   75:  0.57%: /map/data/data-index.html
   52:  0.34%: /map/neural/neuralprog.html
   51:  0.08%: /map/utilities/subs/
   49:  1.08%: /map/pubs/graz.html
   46:  2.11%: /map/mapcontent.html
   43:  0.25%: /map/utilities/utilprog.html
   38:  0.13%: /map/pubs/publist.html
   38:  0.13%: /map/access.html
   35: 19.68%: /map/libs/steel.tar.gz
   35:  0.26%: /map/donor/donorlist.html
   33:  0.30%: /map/format.html
   32:  0.56%: /map/steel/steelsub.html
   31:  0.08%: /map/pubs./MAP-2-SM.gif
   30:  0.03%: /map/pubs./ninety.gif
   30:  0.06%: /map/pubs./TTT-1-SM.gif
   30:  0.07%: /map/pubs./FILE_SM.gif
   30:  0.08%: /map/pubs./MAP-1-SM.gif
   29:  0.51%: /map/steel/programs/mucg46-b.html
   28:  0.16%: /map/crystal/crystalprog.html
   27:  0.14%: /map/kinetics/kineticprog.html
   26:  0.09%: /map/mapmail.html
   24:  0.18%: /map/utilities/utilsub.html
   24:  0.25%: /map/steel/programs/ysma956-b.html
   20:  0.12%: /map/polymer/polyprog.html
   20:  0.12%: /map/steel/steelmod.html
   20:  0.39%: /map/steel/programs/collapse-b.html

This analysis was produced by analog2.11/Unix.
Running time: 12 seconds.

(Go To: Top: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)