Web Server Statistics for Map Project, University of Cambridge

Program started at Sun-29-Nov-1998 16:20 local time.
Analysed requests from Sun-01-Nov-1998 00:14 to Sun-29-Nov-1998 16:17 (28.7 days).

Total successful requests: 7 552 (1 646)
Average successful requests per day: 263 (235)
Total successful requests for pages: 4 106 (900)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 143 (128)
Total failed requests: 889 (193)
Total redirected requests: 2 (0)
Number of distinct files requested: 525 (328)
Number of distinct hosts served: 917 (273)
Number of new hosts served in last 7 days: 213
Corrupt logfile lines: 55
Unwanted logfile entries: 113 202
Total data transferred: 59 667 kbytes (11 404 kbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 2 081 kbytes (1 629 kbytes)
(Figures in parentheses refer to the last 7 days).

(Go To: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

Weekly Report

(Go To: Top: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 25 requests for pages, or part thereof.

week beg.: pages: 
---------  -----  
 1/Nov/98:  1106: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8/Nov/98:  1048: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15/Nov/98:  1020: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
22/Nov/98:   531: ++++++++++++++++++++++
29/Nov/98:   401: +++++++++++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: Weekly Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

Printing all domains, sorted by amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: domain
-----  ------  ------
 1898: 21.45%: .com (Commercial, mainly USA)
 1918: 20.29%: .uk (United Kingdom)
  961: 17.93%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
  393:  8.51%: .net (Network)
  227:  6.08%: .jp (Japan)
  448:  5.98%: .no (Norway)
  411:  4.42%: .edu (USA Educational)
  110:  1.83%: .fr (France)
   70:  1.43%: .au (Australia)
   86:  1.20%: .it (Italy)
   82:  1.20%: .nl (Netherlands)
  132:  1.13%: .de (Germany)
  104:  1.09%: .ca (Canada)
   45:  0.97%: .tr (Turkey)
   21:  0.81%: .sk (Slovak Republic)
   71:  0.59%: .es (Spain)
   47:  0.52%: .my (Malaysia)
   24:  0.51%: .in (India)
   60:  0.48%: .br (Brazil)
   26:  0.45%: .be (Belgium)
   51:  0.33%: .gov (USA Government)
   39:  0.26%: .se (Sweden)
   25:  0.20%: .fi (Finland)
   21:  0.18%: .ch (Switzerland)
   15:  0.17%: .yu (Yugoslavia)
   16:  0.14%: .ru (Russian Federation)
   12:  0.14%: .il (Israel)
   22:  0.14%: .kr (South Korea)
   16:  0.12%: .at (Austria)
   15:  0.11%: .pt (Portugal)
   14:  0.10%: .ve (Venezuela)
   18:  0.10%: .dk (Denmark)
   11:  0.10%: .co (Colombia)
    7:  0.09%: .pl (Poland)
    9:  0.08%: .ie (Ireland)
    9:  0.07%: .cn (China)
    9:  0.07%: .mil (USA Military)
   12:  0.07%: .sg (Singapore)
   12:  0.07%: .us (United States)
   11:  0.07%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations)
    7:  0.06%: .cy (Cyprus)
    6:  0.06%: [unknown]
    6:  0.06%: .cz (Czech Republic)
    4:  0.04%: .is (Iceland)
    5:  0.04%: .si (Slovenia)
    7:  0.04%: .gr (Greece)
    4:  0.03%: .cl (Chile)
    9:  0.03%: .ua (Ukraine)
    5:  0.03%: .ar (Argentina)
    2:  0.03%: .su (Former USSR)
    4:  0.03%: .pe (Peru)
    4:  0.02%: .hk (Hong Kong)
    2:  0.02%: .nz (New Zealand)
    3:  0.01%: .arpa (Old style Arpanet)
    3:  0.01%: .hu (Hungary)
    2:  0.01%: .tw (Taiwan)
    1:       : .bg (Bulgaria)

Host Report

(Go To: Top: Weekly Report: Domain Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

Printing the first 100 hosts, sorted by number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes: host
-----  ------  ----
  531:  5.13%: web-search.cam.ac.uk
  419:  5.81%: spider.fast.no
  214:       : brillo.av.pa-x.dec.com
  211:  2.42%: taz.northernlight.com
  202:  3.06%: grommit.muscat.com
  131:  0.56%: pt16.msm.cam.ac.uk
  123:  1.61%: i0.inktomi.com
  106:  1.02%: pt2.msm.cam.ac.uk
  101:  1.21%: crawl4.atext.com
   94:  0.84%: pt8.msm.cam.ac.uk
   93:  0.74%: pt10.msm.cam.ac.uk
   63:  0.82%: mail.buet.edu
   61:  0.14%: pt15.msm.cam.ac.uk
   56:  0.72%:
   55:  1.00%: tmk40.wb.utwente.nl
   55:  0.66%: i8.inktomi.com
   54:  0.10%: gemini.mirago.com
   54:  0.60%: j2005.inktomi.com
   52:  4.53%:
   47:  0.21%: pt6.msm.cam.ac.uk
   44:  3.60%: pm1-11.london.webgate.net
   43:  0.32%:
   42:  0.52%: firewall.uwindsor.ca
   41:  0.81%: regw.ip.re.nsc.co.jp
   41:  0.42%: spider2-uu.wisewire.com
   40:  0.60%: 23-65.britsteel.com
   37:  0.91%: mseu07.eng.ohio-state.edu
   35:  0.88%: ppp053.bol-online.com
   35:  0.36%:
   35:  3.54%: p84ca59.ykic.ap.so-net.ne.jp
   35:  0.88%: mat152.mete.metu.edu.tr
   32:  0.24%: pt14.msm.cam.ac.uk
   31:  0.54%: scooter.pa-x.dec.com
   31:  0.28%: pt11.msm.cam.ac.uk
   31:  0.24%: dyn243.metalmat.ufrj.br
   30:  0.30%: weld.metsce.psu.edu
   27:  0.25%: slb-proxy-01.boeing.com
   26:  0.17%: ppp44.202.redestb.es
   25:  0.51%:
   25:  0.14%: pt-marlene.msm.cam.ac.uk
   24:  0.18%: gw1.cat.com
   24:  0.14%: sahp949.sandia.gov
   24:  0.23%: dahu.ciw.edu
   24:  0.14%:
   23:  0.29%: lush.icbl.hw.ac.uk
   22:  0.36%:
   22:  0.21%: gold.chu.cam.ac.uk
   21:  0.99%: ppp013.bol-online.com
   21:  0.36%:
   20:  0.33%: client-151-197-111-160.bellatlantic.net
   20:  2.73%: nat-20.alcatel.co.uk
   20:  0.72%: pc-tt1.cluny.ensam.fr
   20:  0.11%:
   19:  0.28%:
   19:  0.11%:
   19:  0.16%: ch.cibasc.com
   19:  0.11%: paul.mw-interactive.co.uk
   19:  0.13%:
   18:  0.08%: webcache1.planet.net.uk
   18:  0.15%: a025020.ap.plala.or.jp
   18:  0.04%: pc95-mpjsj.lut.ac.uk
   18:  0.04%: pt-bainite.msm.cam.ac.uk
   17:  0.07%: pt18.msm.cam.ac.uk
   17:  2.72%:
   17:  0.06%: bigdaddy.digimarc.com
   17:  0.12%: troop.engmat.soton.ac.uk
   17:  0.10%: dynex.ife.no
   17:  0.47%: valci4-27.abo.wanadoo.fr
   17:  0.14%: bst-ma12-04.ix.netcom.com
   17:  0.36%: j18.kja31.jaring.my
   16:  0.18%: hail.pipex.net
   16:  0.25%:
   16:  0.38%: metal09.rug.ac.be
   16:  0.21%: mailx.ksd.co.jp
   16:  0.11%:
   16:  1.94%: ppp048.bol-online.com
   16:  0.20%: g23-11.mech.uwa.edu.au
   15:  0.09%: nobelium.msm.cam.ac.uk
   15:  0.22%:
   15:  0.91%: userk902.uk.uudial.com
   15:  0.06%: sopranobarnsley.demon.co.uk
   15:  0.76%: proxy.cvt.stuba.sk
   15:  0.13%: cache2.bora.net
   15:  0.16%: max-fw-144.dallas.net
   15:  0.21%: piolin.faii.etsii.upm.es
   14:  0.12%: fw3.cummins.com
   14:  0.05%:
   14:  0.15%: cyrus.sem.ecp.fr
   14:  0.13%: tc3-40.utah-inter.net
   14:       : pt-delboy.msm.cam.ac.uk
   14:  0.16%: vkg1.scs.uiuc.edu
   14:  0.04%: iiu191-205.iiu.edu.my
   14:  1.44%:
   14:  0.05%: asynclc1.enet.it
   14:  0.14%: proxy1a.lmco.com
   13:  0.13%: pc5107.vdag.enel.it
   13:  0.04%: pt12.msm.cam.ac.uk
   13:  0.17%: proxy.jspi.com
   13:  0.21%:
   13:  0.08%:

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: Request Report)

Printing all extensions, sorted by amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: extension
-----  ------  ---------
 3862: 48.27%: .html
  327: 25.72%: .tar
   24: 13.45%: .gz
 3040: 10.79%: .gif
  244:  1.00%: (directories)
   36:  0.69%: .txt
    8:  0.05%: .jpg
    3:  0.01%: .tex
    8:  0.01%: .ps

Request Report

(Go To: Top: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report)

Printing all requested files with at least 20 requests, sorted by number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes: file
-----  ------  ----
 1347:  2.90%: /map/maplogo1.gif
  684:  0.23%: /map/pubs./valid_html3.2.gif
  426:  2.93%: /map/mapmain.html
  420:  4.97%: /map/npllogo.gif
  205:  1.49%: /map/pubs./skey.gif
  199:  1.75%: /map/map.html
  182:  4.72%: /map/backg.html
  169:  0.88%: /map/entry.html
   89:  0.64%: /map/
   88:  1.17%: /map/steel/steelprog.html
   76:  2.65%: /map/pubs/graz.html
   59:  0.74%: /map/data/data-index.html
   49:  0.12%: /map/utilities/subs/
   49:  3.58%: /map/mapcontent.html
   45:  0.22%: /map/pubs/publist.html
   39:  0.37%: /map/neural/neuralprog.html
   38:  0.19%: /map/access.html
   35:  0.12%: /map/pubs./TTT-1-SM.gif
   35:  0.29%: /map/kinetics/kineticprog.html
   35:  0.13%: /map/pubs./FILE_SM.gif
   35:  0.51%: /map/format.html
   35:  0.16%: /map/pubs./MAP-1-SM.gif
   35:  0.15%: /map/pubs./MAP-2-SM.gif
   30:  0.04%: /map/pubs./ninety.gif
   30:  0.27%: /map/crystal/crystalprog.html
   30:  0.26%: /map/utilities/utilprog.html
   29:  0.30%: /map/donor/donorlist.html
   28:  0.14%: /map/mapmail.html
   27:  0.21%: /map/nickel/nickelprog.html
   25:  0.63%: /map/steel/programs/mucg46_90.html
   24:  0.37%: /map/crystal/programs/crystal-b.html
   24:  0.12%: /map/new.html
   22:  0.52%: /map/steel/programs/mucg46-b.html
   21:  0.22%: /map/utilities/utilsub.html
   21:  0.43%: /map/utilities/programs/circle-b.html
   20:  0.52%: /map/steel/steelsub.html
   20:  0.26%: /map/steel/steelfunc.html

This analysis was produced by analog2.11/Unix.
Running time: 13 seconds.

(Go To: Top: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)