Harry in Korea during September

Good nourishment

Hong Yeop brings grapes, in addition to mobile telephone covers

Professor Dong Woo Suh, before losing the squash match with Harry

Hong Yeop and Harry went cycling at night, by the beach.

This is the beautiful view of POSCO’s major steel plant at Pohang

The cycle path is lit up at night.

We stopped at a nearby museum. This photographs shows the late Tae-Joon Park in the foreground, who took the lead in creating POSCO and then POSTECH.

The Pohang of old was a fishing village

Jae Hoon Jang on the left, and Hee Young Kim on the right, are to get married. They are both from GIFT. Dong Woo in the middle.

Harry in the middle.

The nice rice cakes they brought.

Guensu was conducting the experiments.

Korean pop music (K-pop)

North-South rivalry at the Asian games

Anisotropy of pipes Superbainite bearings? Cracking bearings White matter Tempered nanostructure
NbC in slabs Multiple TRIP TWIP steel Spheroidisation of superbainite Nb-rich pipe
TRIP welds LTT welds MA constituent Microstructural entropy Adiabatic shear

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