Bij-Na Kim's Birthday Celebrations

Bij-Na Kim's birthday

Bij-Na Kim's birthday

Celebrating Bij-Na Kim's birthday, with Huang on the left and Jee-Hyun on the right
Bij-Na Kim's birthday

The chocolate cake; even the bow is made of chocolate.
Bij-Na Kim's birthday

Bij-Na Kim's birthday

Bij-Na Kim's birthday

Bij-Na is travelling home to the Canary Islands so her birthday was celebrated two days early
Bij-Na Kim's birthday

She can in principle celebrate two birthdays each year, because her Korean age is one year greater than her Roman age.
Bij-Na Kim's birthday

Bij-Na Kim's birthday

Bij-Na Kim's birthday

Hectour Pous celebrating coffee in Mexico
Bij-Na Kim's birthday

Lucy Fielding in response to Hector's opulence: "We are having a nice time here in Cambridge while we drink coffee and fly kites on the beach outside our palace and on our massive yacht." "In the Glorious People's Republic of PT Group, there will be rainbows and unicorns for everyone, and the streets will be paved with metallic glass containing 39% palladium." (note from editor: the units of concentration need attention - see thesis guidelines)
Bij-Na Kim's birthday

Bij-Na Kim's birthday
River overflowing its bank
Bij-Na Kim's birthday

Richard and Miranda visit from the USA. Their daughter is now a Ph.D. student in Engineering.

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