Hector returns, Brazil, Gary Purdy

Hector returns, Brazil, Gary Purdy

Hector returns, Brazil, Gary Purdy

Hector Pous returns from Spain after his wedding, bearing gifts and of course, food
Hector returns, Brazil, Gary Purdy

Hector returns, Brazil, Gary Purdy

Guess where? James Nygaard, Hector Pous, Steve, Chris and Steve
Hector returns, Brazil, Gary Purdy

Another beautiful day in Brazil
Hector returns, Brazil, Gary Purdy

Hector returns, Brazil, Gary Purdy

Hector returns, Brazil, Gary Purdy

Hector returns, Brazil, Gary Purdy

These are colleagues (Jardell, Yuri and Marcello) from UFC - Campus do Pici, working with Professor Hamilton Abreau (PT Group member)
Hector returns, Brazil, Gary Purdy

These are colleagues (Jardell, Yuri and Marcello) from UFC - Campus do Pici, working with Professor Hamilton Abreau (PT Group member)
Hector returns, Brazil, Gary Purdy

Jose Alberto, who wanted to distinguish isothermal martensite from bainite. In the case of bainite, the temperatures are such that it is thermodynamically necessary for carbon to partition into the austenite during the nucleation stage, though as the nucleus grows, it accelerates and grows without diffusion. In the case of isothermal martensite, there is no diffusion of carbon even during nucleation or growth. We normally think of martensite as athermal, with the volume fraction increasing with the undercooling below the M_S temperature. However, this is because the reaction is fast and we can only monitor the evolution of the volume fraction by very special, high time-resolution techniques. But if we do careful measurements, then all martensite is isothermal, but very fast. On the other hand, if we work close to the M_S temperature, and the alloy composition is suitable to cause slow growth, then isothermal martensite can also be seen using conventional techniques such as dilatometry. All this means that there is no difference between bainite and martensite in interstitial-free steels.
Hector returns, Brazil, Gary Purdy

Proessor Gary Rush Purdy of McMaster University

Hydrogen Fine pearlite Induction welding Bearings Complete theory
X80 steel Ternary pearlite Divorced pearlite Cementite dissolution Low density steel
FSW tools Stabilisation Bearing steel HCP martensite Atomic displacements

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