Seimens-VAI Plate Mill Symposium 2007

Harry forgot to take his camera, so this is the only information available for this symposium.

The hallmark on this item indicates Sterling Silver, which consists of 92.5 wt% silver, the remainder being copper and other metals such as tin. The WH is the maker's insignia for Walker and Hall. The crown represents the city of Sheffield, lion passant, and the letter (including its style) the date of manufacture.

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Joseph Shinar, Harry Bhadeshia, Lindsay Greer, Wolfgang Bleck, Elazar Gutmanas, Harry Ruda, Alyona Ponomarenko, Tim O'Connor, Lou Halamek, Jan Ruitenbeek, Rulan Valiev, Leonid A. Vaisberg, Borje Johansson, Moscow, Russian Federation
Ancient silver coins found in Moscow during construction.
Joseph Shinar, Harry Bhadeshia, Lindsay Greer, Wolfgang Bleck, Elazar Gutmanas, Harry Ruda, Alyona Ponomarenko, Tim O'Connor, Lou Halamek, Jan Ruitenbeek, Rulan Valiev, Leonid A. Vaisberg, Borje Johansson, Moscow, Russian Federation
Ancient silver ingots found in Moscow during construction.

Silver Medal, John Butterworth, Paralympics London 2012

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Coalesced Eutectoid Flangeability Dilatometry Bessemer
Topology Hatfield Nanostructured Cracking Stress-TRIP
Hot-Strength Residual-σ Charpy Design Bessemer

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