Chromium Carbide (Cr23C6) and M23C6 in Steels

H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia

The crystallographic data on which the information below is based on, are from A. L. Bowman, G. P. Arnold, E. K. Storms and N. G. Nereson, Acta Crystallographica B28 (1972) 3102-3103.

Cell projected along [100]. Carbon coloured black.
Cell projected along [110].
Cell projected along [111].
Picture 1
[001] zone axis
Picture 2
Picture 3
[110] zone axis
Picture 4
Picture 5
[111] zone axis
Picture 6
Picture 7
[112] zone axis
Picture 8
Picture 9
[113] zone axis
Picture 10
Picture 1_1
[012] zone axis
Picture 2_1
Picture 3_1
[013] zone axis
Picture 4_1
Picture 1_2
unlabelled X-ray diffraction pattern
Picture 2_2
Annotated X-ray diffraction pattern

δ-TRIP Stabilisation Intervention Texture Type IV
Coalesced Synchrotron Models Dilatometry Bessemer
Topology Hatfield Nanostructured Cracking Stress-TRIP
Hot-Strength Residual-σ Charpy Design Bessemer

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