More from India, January 2008

Photographs courtesy of Radu Dimitriu and Stephane Forsik.

004 005 006
007 008 010
012 013 014
015 016 017
018 019 020
021 022 023
024 025 026
027 028 029
030 031 032
033 034 035
036 037 038
039 040 042
043 045 047
048 050 051
052 053 054
055 056 057
058 059 060
062 063 064
065 066 067
079 080 081
082 086 090
091 092 093
094 096 100
102 103 105
111 118 120
123 125 187
296 353 354
366 368 371
374 394 399
400 404 469
472 473 474
475 477 480
487 489 491
492 493 497
502 516 518
523 524 525
528 529 532
639 760 776
791 803 922
987 988 989
990 991

The following photographs are courtesy of Sourabh Kundu

DSC01585 DSC01604 DSC01609
DSC01622 DSC01623 DSC01625
DSC01650 DSC01651

δ-TRIP Stabilisation Intervention Texture Type IV
Coalesced Eutectoid Flangeability Dilatometry Bessemer
Topology Hatfield Nanostructured Cracking Stress-TRIP
Hot-Strength Residual-σ Charpy Design Bessemer

PT Group Home Materials Algorithms