Harry's Award, Sunshine, Venus, Moon, Jupiter

Harry Bhadeshia's award at POSTECH, Venus, Moon, Jupiter, sunshine, Pohang

Beautiful, sunny day in Pohang
Harry Bhadeshia's award at POSTECH, Venus, Moon, Jupiter, sunshine, Pohang

Beautiful, sunny day in Pohang
Harry Bhadeshia's award at POSTECH, Venus, Moon, Jupiter, sunshine, Pohang

Beautiful, sunny day in Pohang
Harry Bhadeshia's award at POSTECH, Venus, Moon, Jupiter, sunshine, Pohang

Beautiful, sunny day in Pohang
Harry Bhadeshia's award at POSTECH, Venus, Moon, Jupiter, sunshine, Pohang

Venus, the moon, and Jupiter at the bottom, in the night sky in Pohang, South Korea
Harry Bhadeshia's award at POSTECH, Venus, Moon, Jupiter, sunshine, Pohang

Venus, the moon, and Jupiter at the bottom, in the night sky in Pohang, South Korea
Harry Bhadeshia's award at POSTECH, Venus, Moon, Jupiter, sunshine, Pohang

Harry wins an Award at POSTECH for a creative suggestion.
Harry Bhadeshia's award at POSTECH, Venus, Moon, Jupiter, sunshine, Pohang

Harry Bhadeshia's award at POSTECH, Venus, Moon, Jupiter, sunshine, Pohang

Harry wins an Award at POSTECH. A total of 20,000 cash money.
Harry Bhadeshia's award at POSTECH, Venus, Moon, Jupiter, sunshine, Pohang

Harry wins an Award at POSTECH. A total of 20,000 cash money.
Harry Bhadeshia's award at POSTECH, Venus, Moon, Jupiter, sunshine, Pohang

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