Nirupam Chakraborti teaching at Linz University, June 2006

A beautiful pond on campus
A beautiful pond on campus
The Blue Danube
The Blue Danube
Another view of Linz
Another view of Linz
Beautiful Linz
Beautiful Linz
Church on a hill
Church on a hill
Linz city centre
Linz city centre
City of Linz, by the banks of the Blue Danube
City of Linz, by the banks of the Blue Danube
Where Mozart lived
Where Mozart lived
It says so
It says so
They lived here too
They lived here too
Frequent and reliable trains service the University
Frequent and reliable trains service the University
Linz University Campus
Linz University Campus
Where Nirupam lives
Where Nirupam lives
Where Nirupam teaches
Where Nirupam teaches
Europe's stiffest tramway
Europe's stiffest tramwasy

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