Saurabh Kundu Leaves Cambridge

Photographs courtesy of Sourav Das.

At the Cambridge bus stand for the last time Dr. Kundu in front of his room Picture 001. Is it the end of the deep thinking
Picture 027 Picture 039. Now he is Dr. Saurabh Kundu (as his examiners approved his explanations) Picture 041. Corrected thesis.....
Picture 054. The PT group is going to Eagle pub to celebrate the occassion...... Picture 056. The host........... Picture 059
Picture 060 Picture 061 Picture 104
Picture 116 Picture 149. The farewel lunch for dr. Kundu at Nando's.................. Picture 150 Reading the farewel card......................
Picture 151 Picture 161 Picture 165
Picture 167 Picture 172 Picture 173 A Cambridge tie....
Picture 178 Picture 179 Picture 180
Picture 181 Picture 182 Picture 183
Picture 184 Picture 185 Picture 186
Picture 187 Picture 188 Picture 191
Picture 192 Picture 193 Picture 194
Picture 195 Picture 240 Picture 242
Picture 243 The last exit from Gwen Revert House The trio in front of Gwen Revert House

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