Armourers and Brasiers' Cambridge Forum

Vasant Kumar and Professor CNR Rao in Rainbows

Harry and Professor Rao

The Tata Steel/Corus people assemble for sandwiches in Harry's office

Debashish Bhattacharjee with Paul Stokes

Colin Humphreys and Dr Tridibesh Mukherjee

The nucleation of the PT Group in the lecture theatre

Tony Jones from Corus in the background

Debashish and his telephone

David MacKay

Tony Cheetham introducing the Kelly Lectcurer, Professor Rao

Professor Rao in action

The audience

Stephae Forsik returns

The choral singers at dinner in Sidney Sussex

Coalesced Foam TWIP FSW 3D
Texture Properties Silicon Synchrotron Models
Neural Networks Creep Mechanicallly Alloyed Theses Retained Austenite

PT Group Home Materials Algorithms