Genetic algorithm questions

Question 1

Table 1 shows a population of strings. Assuming that the string represents a binary encoding of a number n, and that the fitness function is given by $F_{i}=\frac{100}{n}$ , fill in the rest of the table using a suitable procedure such as the roulette wheel algorithm to generate a mating pool. Having done this, complete Table 2 by randomly selecting mates and single crossover sites to generate a new population. Calculate Fi for each member of the new population. Is this an improvement? (E.g has the average population fitness improved? How do the best-performing members compare?)

(20 minutes, 10 marks)

Table 1: Table for question 1.
String no. String n Fi $\frac{F_{i}}{\Sigma{}F_{i}}$ No. surviving Mating pool
1 10111 23 4.35      
2 00111          
3 01001          
4 01010          

Table 2: Table for question 1.
Mating pool Mate Crossover site New population n New Fi

Question 2

A Bayesian neural network has been trained for the yield stress σy of stainless steel. The inputs to the neural network are listed in Table 3.

  1. Write down a suitable chromosome for the optimisation of this model.
  2. Assume a target yield stress σy,target is desired, with low uncertainty. Write down a suitable fitness function Fi.
  3. Draw up a flowchart showing the steps a genetic algorithm optimisation would take for this network model.

Remember to include some way of preventing non-physical values, and a suitable termination condition.

(20 minutes, 10 marks)

Table 3: Inputs to the neural network for question 2.
Input Definition
Cr Chromium (wt %)
Ni Nickel (wt %)
Mo Molybdenum (wt %)
Mn Manganese (wt %)
Si Silicon (wt %)
Nb Niobium (wt %)
Ti Titanium (wt %)
V Vanadium (wt %)
Cu Copper (wt %)
N Nitrogen (wt %)
C Carbon (wt %)
Ratio Ti and Nb stabilisation ratio $\frac{(\mathrm{Ti}/4)+(\mathrm{Nb}/8)}{\mathrm{C}+\mathrm{N}}$
Theat Heat treatment temperature (K)
theat Heat treatment time (hr)
ln(theat) Natural log of theat
Ttest Tensile test temperature (K)


Model answers and a marks scheme are available here.

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The creation of this document was supported by the Higher Education Funding Council for England, via the U.K. Centre for Materials Education.

June 5th 2006

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