The Shearing of γ' Precipitates in a Nickel-Based Superalloy

H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia

These transmission electron micrographs illustrate the shearing of γ' precipitates in a γ matrix of a nickel based superalloy. The micrographs have been reproduced with the permission of Dr Rob Mitchell, Cambridge University.

The passage of a dislocation through a precipitate leaves a step equal to the Burgers vector of the dislocation.
γ' prime precipitates in a nickel based superalloy. There are two size distributions. Some of the larger particles have been sheared by the passage of dislocations.
γ' prime precipitates in a nickel based superalloy. There are two size distributions. Some of the larger particles have been sheared by the passage of dislocations.
The size of the steps is much greater than one Burgers vector, indicating the slip gets localised; it becomes easier to continue slipping on the same plane as the slip step grows.

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